Category Archives: Ideal World

What’s Happening in Language Arts Class

In Language Arts class we recently read a book called “The Last Cuentista” by Donna Barba Higuera. This book told about a girl named Petra  who was forced to leave her home on earth and travel to a planet named Sagan. A group called the collective ran this mission and to eliminate all recognition of Earth they erased their memories during the time on the spaceship. But Petra’s brain wiping didn’t  work, so she must pretend to be part of the collective to survive. Petra is also trying to bring people back their memories of Earth and to bring her stories to this new world. This was a really fun book to read and had plenty of excitement.

After reading about how Petra had to leave to go to a new planet, we decided to make our own dream planet. Our ideal world project consisted of writing about our planet in a creative way, and  drawing our planet. I made my ideal world based around my favorite sport, Soccer, for example my planet looked like a giant soccer ball. There was a lot of detail we had to put into making our planet like what animals live there, how the government works, and what types of plants are on your planet. I liked being able to create my own planet because it allowed me to be super creative.

After we had finished making our ideal planet we made them into little pop-up books. We did akua ink printing on pieces of paper then made them into collages. We made a scene from our planet and made a fold up window to it and glued our ideal world writing to the inside of the book. We put on hard covers and wrote the name of our planet out by cutting paper into letters. We finished our books and put them on display.

We have had a lot of fun projects in Language Arts class and I hope you enjoyed reading about them. 


My Ideal World

I created a planet called Rocces and it is a soccer planet. It is located in the Milky Way. Its lightsource is the sun. Rocces looks like a big soccer ball. Rocces is in the middle of the solar system and a year is 200 days. There are 4 seasons: Winter, Summer, Spring, and Fall. Temperatures range from 25 degrees in the winter and 90 degrees in the summer, it is the same temperature, time, and sunlight on the entire planet. It snows for 65% of the Winter. Do you like the weather on this planet?

The nature of Rocces is based on Earth.The plants and animals are identical to Earth. Accept that palm trees are all over the planet. It is impossible for animals to go extinct. Hunting is illegal unless you have a permit. There is an ocean flowing down the middle of the planet creating two continents. All rocks found on earth can be found on Rocces. But unlike Earth, Rocces has a core made of gold. The air is perfectly clean and everything is solar powered. Rocces has one moon that is made of gold. The sky is dark blue at night and light blue in the day.

There are two continents called Bundesliga and La Liga. The people of each continent elect 5 representatives for their continent and all 10 create the supreme team. They vote on decisions and laws brought to them. The population of Rocces is 3 billion people. Split evenly between the two continents. Each town has its own court of nine members that decide laws and a governor. The governor is in charge of the police, fire department and hospitals. He is also in charge of the budget and economy of their town. All the governors come together and become the group of leaders for their continents. They decide on laws for their entire continent’s laws.

Each continent has its own soccer league of 20 teams. All the teams compete against the teams in their league. The top 4 from each league come together to compete in the Super Cup. Winning team is the champion of the world. Towns can form their own teams and try to get into their continent league.

Everyone on Rocces gets along because all issues are brought to their towns court. Food rains from the sky every 7 days so world hunger is not an issue. If you ever are below the poverty line the government will help you with their unlimited money only if they are working and their salary is too small to pay for their lives. So people won’t try to steal. During elementary and middle school everyone takes the same courses, but in high school and college you can pick what you study. You are required to pick 7 subjects that your school offers but it is completely up to you on what you pick. 

On Rocces there are very cool robots that do your chores: dishes, laundry, clean your room, etc. There is always a team of scientists working on advancing our technology.

Some cool things on Rocces are there is an all you can eat ice cream buffet in the middle of each continent. Each family is given 2 cars once they have their first kid, and 100,000 gold coins for each kid. Lots of sports exist but soccer is the main one. Soccer academies are 10 gold coins and they train players for their city’s team. There is no crime on Rocces either. The number for the fire department and paramedics is 123,456,890.

Would you want to live on Rocces?